Icelandic Felted Collection Rug 239

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Beautiful wild rugged felted fleece rug. This rug is lovingly handmade in the UK, using the finest British wool from Icelandic sheep.

The wool is sourced from Icelandic sheep which are known for their hardiness and resilience in harsh environments. They have a unique double-layered fleece, with a soft undercoat and long, textured outer coat, which gives the wool a luxurious feel and provides excellent insulation.

This felted wool rug is a heavy-weight, durable rug that can be used as a floor covering or as a cosy throw on a bed. It has lovely shades of brown and varied texture make it a statement piece that will complement any décor.

We take great pride in our craftsmanship and attention to detail, ensuring that each rug is of the highest quality. This rug will bring warmth and comfort to your home for years to come.

  • When measured from the widest points, this rug measures: 30"W x 37"L
  • 100% wool
  • Cruelty free
  • Handmade in England

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