Dalesbred Felted Collection Rug 236

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Our latest addition is a beautiful felted fleece rug that is sure to add warmth and style to your home.

Crafted by skilled artisans using high-quality wool, this rug is both soft and durable. The natural wool fibers create a plush texture that is perfect for sinking your toes into after a long day. The rug is also naturally hypoallergenic and flame-resistant, making it a safe and practical choice for any home.

Each rug is handmade, ensuring that no two pieces are exactly the same. The intricate and detailed designs on the rug are a testament to the artist's dedication to their craft.

The neutral colour palette of the rug makes it a versatile addition to any room. Whether you place it in your living room, bedroom or home office, it is sure to complement your existing decor and create a cosy atmosphere.

At our store, we believe in offering high-quality handmade products that are not only beautiful but also sustainable. This felted wool rug is no exception, and we are confident that it will bring you joy for years to come.

  • When measured from the widest points, this rug measures: 38"W x 27"L
  • 100% wool
  • Cruelty free
  • Handmade in England

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