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Milkweed Seed Pack

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Sale price$5.00

Monarch butterflies, with their strikingly streaked caterpillars, gold-foiled chrysalises, and tiger-striped wing patterns, are one of the most beloved of all butterflies. We humans flock to witness monarch migrations, but we are also responsible for their decline. Loss of habitat and exposure to pesticides threaten monarch populations from Canada to Mexico. Grow Milkweed, the monarch caterpillar's host plant, to create a monarch sanctuary in your own backyard. Create a companion planting of Butterfly Weed for very happy butterflies. 

  • 50 seeds

Growing Instructions

Cold stratification required: direct sow in fall or early winter into a clean, prepared bed. Or, for spring sowing, sow in deep seed-starting pots about ¼" deep, in rich, damp soil. Cover and refrigerate for 3 weeks. Afterwards, move to a 70-degree, well-lit spot for germination, which can take up to 14 days. Transplant outdoors after frost in an area that can remain a milkweed patch for years. 

Please note: Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is native to much of the eastern and mid continental U.S.—most areas east of the Rocky Mountains. If you live outside of these areas, please do not buy or plant Asclepias syriaca. Before planting any milkweed, it's always a wise idea to reference monarchwatch.orgor the Xerces Society for more information on milkweed species that are native to your specific area.

Quick Tips

Days to Germination 21 days
Days to Maturity 80 (from transplant)
Planting Depth ¼"
Spacing in Row 12"
Spacing Between Rows 12"
Height at Maturity up to 36"
Sun Preference Full Sun
Hardiness Zone Range Zone 3-7
Milkweed Seed Pack
Milkweed Seed Pack Sale price$5.00